PET – A structural grade insulated foam
Thermoplastic Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is a flexible, and lightweight material that offers excellent insulation. In its most common forms, PET is used to make food and beverage packaging, including bottles and containers. PET’s ability to insulate makes it ideal for use in structural insulated panels.
At ICP we were successful in laminating PET foams with our usual polypropylene fiberglass woven fabric using our special thermoplastic method, without the use of additional resins, to create durable and strong, insulated PET sandwich panels. These panels are robust and adjustable, making it simple to cut or glue together. These panels are also lightweight, making them ideal for use in a wide range of applications including interior partitions, as well as exterior wall insulation.
With a research collaboration between Concordia University’s Centre for Composite and ICP, we were able to test our PET sandwich panel and compared the outcomes with our conventional Honeycomb sandwich panels.
Although the test results for our PP honeycomb core showed higher impact resistance compared to PET core, on the other hand PET sandwich panel with 40% fiberglass content showed close to tie result with PP Honeycomb 60% fiberglass content. This result proves PET will perform better than PP honeycomb with 60% fiberglass content skin.
For detailed information, refer to the attached PDF report from Concordia University.